I recently moved to Northern California from the blue ridge mountains of North Carolina--and the beauty of both places still pull at my heart strings daily. I try to incorporate this wonder and forever enthrallment with both places into all of my designs. It's hard to explain how a beautiful place can really inspire and challenge your work in different and unexpected ways, but I consider my surroundings to be my biggest muse. My background education is in Environmental Science, and my nerdyness is pretty unavoidable if you follow my personal IG account (@all_of_the_moes)...but as a creative person I found it really hard to get excited about the entry level jobs I was able to find after college. I've always been a maker of things, and started as a teen with a used sewing machine. I taught myself how to sew by altering things found at thrift stores to fit my personality better. I practiced, and kept at it--broke enough sewing machines to learn what not to do--and eventually just dove into making things from scratch. I make my own patterns and am not sure how much sense they make to anyone else but me, which I think is absolutely perfect.
What I want my clothing label to provide is something stylish that can be worn on any adventure, durable enough to last for years to come, and unique enough for its owner to want to wear it forever.
There is something incredibly satisfying about beginning the day with folds of fabric and leaving the studio with a finished, handmade item of clothing that I designed from start to finish. And better yet--getting to send it to someone who will love it just as much as I do.